News & Updates

WTA’s Executive Dialogue Series: Brad Bode, CTO, ATLAS Space Operations – The Power of a Federated Network

ATLAS CTO & Co-Founder, Brad Bode, sits down with the World Teleport Association (WTA) for their Executive Dialogue Series to discuss the ATLAS Federated Network and what this means for its clients and the industry.A federated network is simply a network of networks. Through a single API, satellite operators can access ATLAS-owned and operated ground stations and any integrated third-party partner – such as AWS Ground Station and Viasat Real-Time Earth.

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Catalyst Campus gains 3 new aerospace, defense partners

Catalyst Campus welcomed three new partners Wednesday that its leadership says will help boost Colorado Springs’ aerospace and defense industry and accelerate technology with the business park. InTrack Radar Technologies, ATLAS Space Operations and Keta Group joined Catalyst Campus on dowtown’s east edge, where aerospace and defense companies can create public-private partnerships and interact and collaborate with small businesses, startups and others, said Dawn Conley, the business park’s interim senior executive director.

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Breaking New Ground with AWS Ground Station

When we started ATLAS Space Operations in 2015, we set out with a clear vision: to disrupt the satellite communications industry. We knew that the data pipe to space goes through ground stations (antennas on Earth) – and to capture that information, satellite operators needed affordable, dependable, and secure software that performs the bulk of Earth-orbit connection to pull data from space. As the market evolved, it was clear that each provider had different solutions focused on their antennas.

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ATLAS Federated Ground Network Triples in Size Following Integration with Viasat Real-Time Earth

ATLAS Space Operations, the leading Ground Software as a Service™ (GSaaS) provider, today announced a new partnership with Viasat Real-Time Earth (RTE). The partnership between ATLAS and Viasat RTE makes 10 new antennas within the Viasat network immediately available to ATLAS clients, with two additional antennas available by the end of the year. For ATLAS, the partnership with Viasat represents another significant expansion of its federated global ground network of 44 sites after adding 11 ground sites belonging to AWS last month.

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